My Story
My name is Nika. I am a 19-year-old girl who loves being creative and has found great interest especially in business. Therefore, I started writing a business, finance and law blog in 2020. Then I became an !N Board Member at a company Iskratel (now Kontron), where I have been developing my business and leadership skills. Finally, I decided to start my own business and created a brand Brightnin.
From an early age, formal education system gives us a feeling that learning is something that is boring and difficult because we have to memorize a lot of data by force. Creative thinking and research based on own interest, goals and will are not encouraged enough.
Ever since I decided to become a blogger, my view on education has changed. It is one of the most amazing things in the world, as long as you find a topic that interests you. I strongly believe in lifelong learning. Having started educating myself outside of school much more, I began buying more and more learning supplies, especially notebooks. Stores offered a wide selection of products, but my creative soul often wanted to decorate a notebook cover according to its own wishes, perhaps only with some kind of small, inconspicuous pattern which would have had a special meaning for me, or with a motivational quote which would have been right up my street and because of which I would have had even more drive to continue progressing and learning.
While searching for notebooks of this kind, I unexpectedly also spotted notebooks of which pages were not white as usual, but colorful. The difference excited my interest, so I threw myself into researching and found out that those notebooks are primarily intended for people with scotopic sensitivity syndrome which is often falsely recognized as dyslexia.
However, at the same time, I saw a big difference, namely that notebooks with white pages were available with thousands of colorful different covers so that practically everyone could find one they like, while notebooks with colorful pages were offered with very few different covers.
Because I know how much can notebooks with colorful pages help people with scotopic sensitivity syndrome at reading and writing, which are, as key life skills, especially important in education, and because I know from experience how much joy for learning and work can notebooks we love bring, I started developing my own business idea. I joined colorful pages with my wish for notebook covers that I could design, and created notebooks that encourage creativity while being suitable for as many people as possible, among others for also those with scotopic sensitivity syndrome.
I wish that in everyone who gets a Brightnin notebook, lights up a spark of ideas, which would excite joy for creating unique covers and whatever else you will come up with - and let this spark in you never stop shining!
Enjoy creating,
Nika :)