Hello, I am Nika, and I believe in the power of creativity.
I wish to encourage creativity and innovativeness as the world's main drivers of progress. By offering sustainable notebooks that can be personalized, I also wish to spark excitement in people, whether they use notebooks for learning, planning, drawing, journaling or reaching their goals.
You Make Them Unique
You can create your unique ideal notebook cover that you will love and connect with. Let it accompany you along your journey and bring you joy every time you use your notebook.
As much eco friendly as possible
Because we care about our planet and future generations, we thoughtfully choose the material our products & packaging are made of.
Scotopic Sensitivity Synodrome Friendly
We want to spread the joy of creating and learning among all, also those who find it otherwise difficult or to whom letters move when reading or writing. Notebooks are offered in calm colour tones which are also suitable for people with scotopic syndrome.
Made in sLOVEnia (With Lots of LOVE)
All our products are made in the heart of EU, in Slovenia. All orders are packaged by hand. With every purchase, you support a small business of a young girl who followed her dreams and poured her heart into this project. Thank you!
Seven colours. Four different paper patterns.
Are Brightnin notebooks also suitable for people with dyslexia?
Yes, for those that also have scotopic (Irlen) syndrome. Let us explain. :)
With their empty covers, Brightnin notebooks are for sure suitable for all creative souls (people with dyslexia - we see you, we know about your incredible creativity)!
However, the notebooks' colourful pages cannot mitigate the effects of dyslexia on one’s ability to read and write. No notebooks with colourful pages can (there is no scientific support). It is a common misconception, and even in many stationery shops, such notebooks are falsely advertised as dyslexia friendly.
Still, notebooks with colourful pages can indeed help people with scotopic sensitivity syndrome, which often occurs together with dyslexia. In this case, yes, the notebooks might help you!
Note that Brightnin notebooks may only help mitigate the symptoms of scotopic syndrome, but do not treat it.
Do you want Brightnin notebooks in your store/city?
Let us know by using any contact channels listed below. We always do our best to make it possible!